Excubio Pharmaceuticals Inc.


KRS Research Program

Kim DGLee JYKwon NHFang PZhang QWang JYoung NLGuo MCho HYMushtaq AUJeon YHChoi JWHan JMKang HWJoo JEHur YKang WYang HNam DHLee MSLee JWKim ESMoon AKim KKim DKang EJMoon YRhee KHHan BWYang JSHan GYang WSLee CWang MWKim S. Chemical inhibition of prometastatic lysyl-tRNA synthetase-laminin receptor interaction.Nat Chem Biol. 2014 Jan;10(1):29-34.

Nam SHKim DLee MSLee DKwak TKKang MRyu JKim HJSong HEChoi JLee GHKim SYPark SHKim DGKwon NHKim TYThiery JPKim SLee JW. Noncanonical roles of membranous lysyl-tRNA synthetase in transducing cell-substrate signaling for invasive dissemination of colon cancer spheroids in 3D collagen I gels.  Oncotarget. 2015 Aug 28;6(25):21655-74.

Nam SHKang MRyu JKim HJKim DKim DGKwon NHKim SLee JW. Suppression of lysyl-tRNA synthetase, KRS, causes incomplete epithelial-mesenchymal transition and ineffective cell‑extracellular matrix adhesion for migration.  Int J Oncol. 2016 Apr;48(4):1553-60.

Nam SHKim DLee DLee HMSong DGJung JWKim JEKim HJKwon NHJo EKKim SLee JW. Lysyl-tRNA synthetase-expressing colon spheroids induce M2 macrophage polarization to promote metastasis.  J Clin Invest. 2018 Sep 6.

AIMP2-DX2 Research Program

Lee HSKim DGOh YSKwon NHLee JYKim DPark SHSong JHLee SHan JMPark BJLee JKim S. Chemical suppression of an oncogenic splicing variant of AIMP2 induces tumour regression.  Biochem J. 2013 Sep 15;454(3):411-6.

Chang SH1, Chung YSHwang SKKwon JTMinai-Tehrani AKim SPark SBKim YSCho MH. Lentiviral vector-mediated shRNA against AIMP2-DX2 suppresses lung cancer cell growth through blocking glucose uptake.  Mol Cells. 2012 Jun;33(6):553-62. 

Choi JWKim DGLee AEKim HRLee JYKwon NHShin YKHwang SKChang SHCho MHChoi YLKim JOh SHKim BKim SYJeon HSPark JYKang HPPark BJHan JMKim S. Cancer-associated splicing variant of tumor suppressor AIMP2/p38: pathological implication in tumorigenesis.  PLoS Genet. 2011 Mar;7(3):e1001351.
